About the National Competition Center

Based on Article 54 of the Law on the Implementation of General Policies, Article 44 of the Constitution, in order to carry out expert work and the secretarial activities of the Competition Council, the National Competition Center of IRAN was established in the form of an independent (non) government institution under the supervision of the President in 2009.

Since its establishment, the National Competition Center has organized its executive and research activities in order to achieve the goals set by the legislator. These activities are aimed at smoothing the scientific support of the Competition Council by forming two intellectual and advisory arms, i.e. creating specialized working groups and the formation of the research council in 2013 gained more momentum and created more efficiency in the center's activities.

The process and reasons for the formation of the Competition Council:

One of the most important requirements for sustainable development and the basic precondition for achieving stable economic growth in the era of knowledge-based activities and globalization of processes is the existence of a Transparent and efficient economic structure as well as the stability of macroeconomic indicators. The formation and establishment of market regulatory institutions and authorities and the existence of a competitive environment in most industrialized and newly industrialized countries have contributed very effectively to the continuation of the health of the market structure and the basic foundations of the economy. The formation of enterprises in the structure of the micro economy and the correct orientation of economic agents and supply and demand processes from market signals requires the existence of a competitive and efficient market, and if the market performance does not originate from the correct economic signs and... and for various reasons, this relationship is two-way. If it is disrupted and irrational, it will not be possible to implement economic tools and policies to the extent that even the realization of policies that have the nature of macro-plans such as employment, inflation and growth will sometimes remain out of reach. Competitiveness shows the ability of a company, industry or country to supply goods or services to a specific market.

Also, the competitiveness of the economy at the national level means the ability of a nation to maintain or increase the share of exports in the world markets and in parallel to maintain or improve the living standards of citizens in the long term. On the other hand, the set of institutions, policies and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country in the parameters of its competitiveness, it follows that the level of productivity also determines the level of well-being that can be achieved and also the rate of return on investment in an economic system, and in fact, more competitive economic systems usually have the ability to generate higher income for their citizens. At the opposite point of competitiveness, there is the phenomenon of concentration and monopoly, which in nature hinders productivity and efficiency and sometimes promotes corruption in non-transparent and non-competitive economies. For this reason, in many countries, the main solution to fight against monopoly and its negative consequences is simply They know the establishment of institutions and structural laws related to the development of competitiveness. Because the experience of this group of countries indicates that the most important condition for achieving stable and sustainable economic growth is the existence of a healthy, efficient and competitive structure in the economy. According to this belief, these countries, years ago, along with reforming the structure and conditions of the market and explaining its competitive mechanism, took action to enact anti-monopoly laws and establish powerful institutions that prevent disruptions in the market and the formation of harmful monopolies. Many years ago, while reforming the structure and conditions of the market and explaining its competitive mechanism, various countries took measures to enact anti-monopoly laws and establish powerful institutions to prevent disruptions in the market and the formation of harmful monopolies. In our country, with the efforts and follow-up of experts and economists, and despite the obstacles caused by the unfamiliarity of different levels of decision-making with this concept, the process of passing the initial draft in different stages and government commissions and its proposal in the government until it becomes a bill In order to enter the stage of decision-making and approval in the Islamic Council, the issue of competitiveness gradually reached its necessary position and finally the bill to facilitate competition and prohibit monopolies was proposed in the framework of the ninth chapter of the general policies of Article 44 of the Constitution and on 08/11/2018 in It was approved by the Islamic Council and on 25/03/2018 it was finally approved by the Expediency Council and on 31/04/2018 it was notified to the government for implementation. With the provision of the legal basis for the establishment of the Competition Council as a multi-jurisdictional and comprehensive organization with scientific, specialized, legal and executive features, the members of the Competition Council were appointed and the first meeting of the Council was held on 5/7/2018. The field of scientific, radical and all-round fight against monopoly and unhealthy and discriminatory practices or disrupting competition started through legal and sometimes preventive mechanisms.

The council has 13 members who are introduced and appointed by authorities such as the Islamic Parliament, the Judiciary, the Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, etc. In line with the tasks set for the Competition Council, including conducting expert studies and providing public access to the Council's rules, regulations, and performance, the National Competition Center, as the expert and executive arm of the Council, established and conducted extensive expert studies in the fields of It has carried out various activities, including monitoring non-competitive markets and carrying out expert work regarding anti-competitive practices and discriminatory pricing. In line with its mission, this center has prepared and prepared and published a series of expert reports and studies related to various aspects of monopoly. God willing, based on theoretical foundations and scientific theories and using experiences and recommendations from applied researches and studies conducted in the center, it has set itself the task of recognizing and monitoring the changes in the competitiveness of the economy and the scientific mechanisms of combating destructive monopolies in the country.

To know more about the scope of powers and laws related to this council, you can contact the center's experts and they will warmly answer your questions.